Our neighbors gave us their double stroller, for which I am sooo grateful.
So that was our first weekend. Today we went "to town" and saw Shrek 4. It was ok. Graham wasn't as impressed and I understand why the reviews were so bad, but I don't regret seeing it. We really wanted to go see "How to Train Your Dragon" but it isn't showing around here anymore. Monday Jon has off, which has never happened. His brother, Danny, wife Annarose and their little girl, Tula, live in Eugene. It is only 2 1/2 hours away so they are coming out to visit. I am very excited for familiar faces. I don't know what we'll do here to entertain them, which means we'll have more fun coming up with our own ideas. Nonetheless I know Graham will be excited. I can tell he definately misses his friends, cousins and grandparents. He talks about his friends Bracky, Mason, and Josh back home all the time. He asks for his cousins Tess and Lexie often. He wants to call Grammy all the time. Bless her heart I love her, she talked to him for about an hour the other day. He didn't want to hang up and kept bothering me to call her back for an hour, so he stole my phone, ran into his room, somehow called her and said "Hey, what are you doing?". How could I be mad? He misses his Nana too. Every older woman figure he sees he has to stop and strike up a conversation and then wants them to hold him and not leave. It's starting to be sad.
Through it all we are having a blast and loving it here. Already I have been thinking of when we return to Utah I will be sad. I know I will miss the beauty of the landscape here and just the love for the outdoors and things to do. I'll just have to be less of a homebody when we move back. We miss and love all our friends and family and welcome any who want to visit. I'll be better about blogging than I have because this is our only connection to our world back home. Love you all!
we can't wait for you guys to come home! (Alex can though. He LOVES making money:)
nice family:)wish your happiness:)find me on fb...(jwan nour)...
Nice blog !!!
Nhan cho hang tai bien hoa
Ca phe rang xay
thi cong noi that chung cu
trang tri noi that
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