Friday, October 23, 2009

Something newsworthy...

So now that I have something to write on my blog...Monday night we spent FHE in the ER. Graham was watching a movie on TV, leaning on the keyboard drawer and it broke down and somewhere along his fall he hit his head on a sharp edge and all of the sudden my child looks like a UFC fighter. He had blood pouring out and pooling in his eye while Jon was holding him. He didn't black out or anything and once we were collected enough to grab him a sucker...all was ok. We waited in the lobby for 30 minutes for a room. I'm pretty sure they had like 20 swine flu people and on top of that I'm sure preparing/disinfecting the rooms is more timely. So we waited in a lobby away from the germed area. Then we were there for about 2 more hours. He got 4 stitches right perfectly in the middle of him forehead. He had to be papoosed (sp?) to a board and a nurse had to hold his head still. I tried giving him comforting words as a mother, like "We're not circumsizing you again. It'll be ok." He did great though. He's the same ol' Graham and is slightly aware of his "owee" (what's the correct spelling of that?!) We'll get them out on Sunday, we'll see how really tramatized of that place he is. Luckily we were like 2 weeks into finally having insurance. Definately counting my blessings.

As for Boy #2 he is growing and moving inside a TON! I love looking at your stomach and thinking a Gremlin could pop out any second. As for me I'm starting to feel big already and Man, Oh Man do I have the worst pregnant brain EVER!!! I remembered at 1:30am last night I had my Dr's appt today. WOW!!! I hope there's something left in there after this pregnancy.

We are preparing to put Graham in a bed, if anyone has any advice on that, send it my way. He and the baby will have to share a room, but we'll save that headache for a while.
And yes, still no name to Boy #2. I'm thinking of offically naming him Boy#2. Some suggestions I get I want to only respond by walking away and seriously contemplating my relationship with that person. So beware!!! to do my pregnant hobbies---crossstitch and watch reruns of Grey's. If only there were more hours in a day!!!


Brynne said...

I was at an urgent care clinic today with Livvy--wondering if we'll contract something, hard to know if it's worth the gamble of going into germ-infested places such as that! Especially since those places are NEVER fast. Every time a sick person walked by I would try to hold my breath :) Like THAT would help!

Traci said...

Oh man, how scary! Poor little guy, glad he's ok! And I hear ya on the name dilemma, good luck. There were some good ones we found off of this site: www,
Are you still teaching that vb class? And just so you know we'd love to see you guys sometime soon. Sawyer's been sick the last little while so we've tried to stay home, but once he's better we'll give you guys a call!

Nicole Norris said...

Never a dual moment! You can use my boy names since I can't.

The Mieures said...

Wow sounds like you need to have a few more things going on in your life.When we transitioned Lexi to a bed we let it sit in her room for about a week with the crib up against it so that she couldn't get out, after a week or two we moved the crib away about a foot and then in a couple of days we let Lexi help us take the crib apart playing up her being a big girl and sleeping in a big bed. We took the crib out completely of the room for four months so that she didn't remember that it was her bed when the baby came. She never asked to sleep in the crib after we set it up again. Hope this helps good luck!!!!!